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Proper brushing and flossing every day can help to keep your smile bright and breath fresh. Factors such as aging, consuming colored foods and drinks, and lifestyle habits such as chewing or smoking tobacco products can cause your teeth to discolor and get darker.  Fortunately, there are several options for teeth whitening to help improve …

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Proper brushing and flossing every day can help to keep your smile bright and breath fresh. Factors such as aging, consuming colored foods and drinks, and lifestyle habits such as chewing or smoking tobacco products can cause your teeth to discolor and get darker.  Fortunately, there are several options for teeth whitening to help improve …

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Everybody desires a beautiful smile. This not only refers to having the perfect shape and size of teeth that makes your smile appear beautiful and healthy, but also the color. If you’re planning to bleach your teeth, then you need to choose from a range of tooth whitening options that include: In-office professional teeth whitening …

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If you’re planning to get your teeth whitened, it’s important that you do your research to find the right dentist and dental practice. The bleaching procedure is generally safe and effective when done by a dentist during the first visit, and under a dentist’s supervision for subsequent treatments. That said, everyone should first visit a …

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Teeth whitening, or simply bleaching, is a straightforward, non-invasive dental solution for changing the color of natural tooth enamel, and to enhance the appearance of your smile.  Getting whiter teeth is considered the most popular esthetic concern for most dental patients. Common reasons for teeth whitening include: Generally, any patient above the age of 10 …

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Is tooth whitening safe? Yes. The procedure is safe and effective when done by a dentist during the first visit, and under a dentist’s supervision for subsequent treatments. That said, everyone should first visit a dentist for a thorough examination and diagnosis to ensure you’re a good candidate for a safe, brighter, whiter smile. How …

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